Monday, July 1, 2024

Theater Kid

Averson decided this year that they wanted to try theater, after an awesome experience with the Fifth Grade play. Our local parks and rec partnered with a local theater company to do a camp, where at the end the kids would perform Madagascar Jr. Averson panicked a little about the auditions, since they included both singing and dancing, but ultimately they got several smaller roles. It was perfect! It was a nice mix of group time and solo time and they ROCKED IT. The performance was this weekend and I legit teared up watching everyone sing and dance during "Move It" (which was admittedly pretty discordant but what're you going to do.) The only way I can describe it though, is that it was like watching the light come on in her. Like all of the sudden she was exactly where she was meant to be. Poised and eloquent and with IMPECCABLE comedic timing, and surrounded by all these amazing little souls who saw and appreciated each other in a really beautiful way. We're all obsessed and now I guess I'm a stage mom. Didn't see that one on the parenting bingo card...

Lew the Lemur

Shout out to siblings who take pictures on the sly. This was Candy Hammernose, the news reporter, and she was HILARIOUS. Also, may have wanted to steal the dress

Such a sweet (and chaotic) group of kids!


Monday, June 17, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

We had such a fun Father's Day. It was easy and low key and we spent the whole day together, which is C's happy place. We started off by finally using an escape room gift card and despite my fears, we escaped AND we still liked each other on the other side! Then we treated C to a sushi lunch (big kids are the best!) and a couple hours at the arcade. It was the perfect way to celebrate the perfect dad


Friday, June 7, 2024

Everyone's promoting

It's so cliche, but I guess it's cliche because it's true, but man, it goes by quick. This year we had graduates at every level and it seems like it was just yesterday that I was sending these little peanuts off with their tiny backpacks and precious little lunch boxes. 


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

First Day/Last Day

First Day

Last Day

This week hasn't felt at all like I thought I would. I haven't had as many "my baby!" moments of nostalgia as I thought I would, but at the same time I'm mourning all the "lasts" right along side him. Last day of Fire Tech. Last lunch at school. Last time picking up his girlfriend in the morning. I want everything to be perfect and I know that's an unreasonable expectation but this kid deserves all the greatest that life has to offer. I'm just so proud of this kid and the amazing human he is. The world is just so, so lucky that he's in it. 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Back in my day

 Sydney asked me last night, with total sincerity, “Mom. When you were a kid since you didn’t have Netflix, how did you remember what episode you were on when you were in the middle of a show?” 

I explained that you didn’t have a choice on the episode, you just watched the next one. She seemed to be tracking until I realized that she didn’t understand the concept of a programming schedule. She was AGHAST when I clarified that shows were only on at certain times, so you had to be watching at 7:00 on a Tuesday if you wanted to see what happened. She kept saying, “But! What if you weren’t home?! You just MISSED IT?!”

I cannot wait to tell her about landlines and answering machines

Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday gratitude


I've been in a funk and I've found that when that happens, it helps to be really explicit about the little pockets of joy in my day

These beautiful wildflowers that were growing outside of my office. They're so vibrant and gorgeous and such a stark contrast to my years spent in office buildings and prison yards. And the best fidget ever that C made me for Valentine's day :) 

Last night during my walk the trees were full of peacocks yelling at each other. It was weird and spooky and also kind of magical. Also, they're very high in the trees.

Don't sleep on these cold foam creamers. They're f-ing delightful

My high school senior. He's got less than a month left and while I have some feelings about my baby and all of that, I am just so grateful I get to see him becoming this amazing adult