I find myself less motivated to update this vintage blog, but at the same time I'm so grateful for it's existence and would be so sad to have it just... stop. I don't really know where I'm going to end up, but in the meantime I do want to capture big events for posterity. Big things like the first day of school! Last year was bittersweet, with everyone transitioning levels. What I didn't realize at the time though was that meant new beginnings for everyone this year.
First day of 6th and 9th! Averson is thrilled to be their dad's sidekick finally, and it turns out that all of my concerns about moving to a bigger school with kids they didn't know was all for naught. Middle School suits this one quite a bit and they're making new friends almost daily. Sydney gets to ride to high school with Eli's girlfriend (a senior!) and with volleyball has jumped in with both feet. Both girls (and I) are thrilled that our district did away with dress codes this year. I love seeing how they both choose to express themselves.
It felt weird to only have two kids on the porch, and even more so when Eli came down and asked why he wasn't in the shot. Poor kid was feeling left out so we selfied on the way out the door (him to a babysitting gig since his school didn't start for another week.)
He started his college wrestling practice a couple weeks ago. It's a different beast, but I am so, so grateful that he's able to continue wrestling a bit longer. He came home from his first practice exhausted but also when I asked if he loved it, he said "I want to do it every day for the rest of my life."
A week later he went off to his first day as a college freshman! And my sweet boy, who was thrilled to not have to be on campus until noon, asked the neighbor to take his picture for me. This kid. I'm loving watching all my friends on the socials moving their kids into dorms but I am also super grateful that he decided to stay at home another year. .
Love the shifts! Happy new school year to everyone!