I booked us a cabin (ish) for Spring Break and I am SO excited. I've decided that this is how ill camp for the next ten years. In the woods, by a river, under the stars, with a real shower, coffee pot, and locking door. It's a win-win. We get dirt and fresh air and sunshine AND no one gets eaten or murdered! I see four glorious days of reading, hiking, and possibly crafts. Did I mention how excited I am?
Also exciting. I found The Perfect dresses for the girls to wear to their aunt's wedding. They're seriously adorable and I got them off zulily which means they might be here in time. Syd was having a melt down tonight because Eli was asked to be in the wedding and she wasn't. I showed her the dress, hoping to make her feel better about the injustice of it all and she promptly proclaimed that she wanted a different dress. In Syd speak that means that she will NEVER wear that f-ing dress. Gah! Now I have to shop for something that will coordinate and appease her highness.
And the final excitement is that I went back to barre tonight after a two week hiatus after I pulled my quad (that sounds legit, doesn't it?) it was so tough and u have total jelly legs. I'm trying to get hottified for the above referenced wedding so I'm back in the gym, back running, and reinstalled my fitness pal. I'm running a pi day 5k this weekend and I'm even geeking out about that. So much twitterpation!
Easter eggs. My lunch has never been more inappropriately festive.