Friday, May 3, 2024

Friday gratitude


I've been in a funk and I've found that when that happens, it helps to be really explicit about the little pockets of joy in my day

These beautiful wildflowers that were growing outside of my office. They're so vibrant and gorgeous and such a stark contrast to my years spent in office buildings and prison yards. And the best fidget ever that C made me for Valentine's day :) 

Last night during my walk the trees were full of peacocks yelling at each other. It was weird and spooky and also kind of magical. Also, they're very high in the trees.

Don't sleep on these cold foam creamers. They're f-ing delightful

My high school senior. He's got less than a month left and while I have some feelings about my baby and all of that, I am just so grateful I get to see him becoming this amazing adult


  1. The trees were full of peacocks!!! That is wonderful and something I have never experienced.

    Your wildflowers are so beautiful too.

    All the love to you parents of graduating seniors. Such a momentous occasion.

  2. Wildflowers and peacocks! It made me feel you were living in a classical fairytale! Congrats to Eli!!
