To this?
Monday, April 25, 2011
What the...?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Rodeo Parade
If I was being snarky, I would tell you about the woman who sat next to us with her family and attempted to take 8 million pictures/videos/etchings of her children holding hands, which obviously was not happening. Also, they had pretentious names. So, for example, "James Erik! James Erik! James Erik put your hands down! Hold Tiffany's hand! Hold her hand! Hold hands you two! Look here! James Erik! Tiffany! Look here! Look at mama! PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN! LOOK HERE! JAMES ERIK!" Over and over and over and over. I really just wanted to slip her a Valium. I might also tell you my suspicion that the parade was segregated, as there was a noticable pause and then the rest of the parade was all Mexican dancers, cowboys, musicians, Native American dancers, and a few karate schools. Hmmm... BUT, it was a great time, and my kids coordinated without any input from me. So let's focus on the adorable
And not on the one-armed man who forced his horse to ride on top of a trailer for an entire parade while he cracked a whip (cool, but the horse was obviously not digging it.) Also, he tucked his non-arm in his belt and I can't figure out why.
And bringing up the rear...
Took me about 15 minutes of "Are you sure you want to name him that?" "Where'd you come up with that name?" and "What exactly does that mean?," while all the while my angelic little four year old keeps repeating "Ass Tank," to figure out he meant "Aztec."
Monday, April 18, 2011
What a day
- I woke up this morning, on time, and contrary to the previous several mornings did not feel like I had been hit by a truck. A Vespa maybe, but not a truck.
- The kids got up with me and were absolute joys. I got ready with the sounds of them playing together in the background.
- Another partial lockdown, so I caught up at work and even had time to finally rearrange my office. Now I can actually see out of my window! I had to sacrifice my phone, which now lives in a drawer, but I feel completely rejuvenated. I wish I could take a picture to show it.
- Decided to give myself one more pass on the gym to "heal" so ran a couple of errands, alone, before I picked up the kids.
- Came home to find that the housekeepers had completely raised the bar. The house looked A.MAZ.ING.
- Got my first thredup box in the mail, and it did not suck. Yay!
- Made leftovers for dinner. Which Syd then projectile vomited everywhere.
- Stripped her and took her outside to test drive her new swing. She LOVES it. She giggled the whole time.
- Came in to start bedtime. Gave Syd a bottle. Which she projectile vomited everywhere.
- Everyone in the tub. Eli and Syd are laughing like lunatics. No one cried when I washed their hair.
- Bedtime. No tears, no fights, just stories and giggles and snuggles. Also, no vomit.
- Candy bars with C, he's playing video games while I read blogs.
I love a day when projectile vomit does not merit top billing.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
So, on a totally unrelated note. Today we had a partial lockdown, so I had a few hours to kill. This led to a few conversations with my co-workers. One of the reasons I love working on Fridays is the team that's there. We can talk about almost anything. Today though was pretty heavy on the shrink talk, which kind of makes me want to cut off my head. Some of the things that I said today, with a completely straight face:
"This might be my own 'stuff' but..." This is shrink code for "I'm about to say something whiny but want to sound self-aware."
"I'm just feeling very frustrated and irritated." Dude. Emotions are good, but I don't ALWAYS have to name them.
"You've brought up________ several times. I wonder if there's something going on behind that?" Not to a patient but to a co-worker. Really. I usually try not to "shrink" when I'm off-duty, but apparently I'm not always so good with it. Seriously. Sometimes I want to smack myself in the face.