We started the day with birthday doughnuts from a new-to- us doughnut shop (that gave E a free birthday maple-bacon bar!)
Followed by opening All The Legoes
Then we dropped the girls off for a play date and the three of us went to lunch and a movie. OMG. It is SO different with just one kid. Like awkwardly quiet and calm. Eli soaked it up :)
This weekend he took a couple of friends to play laser tag, so his actual birthday was pretty low-key.
I say it every year, but he just seems so big! I don't have to lean down to kiss the top of his head anymore. He's in a football camp with teenagers learning to tackle. He's this crazy awesome person who, every day, becomes less of an extension of myself. Eight years ago, this kid made me a mom. Every day, maybe even more than his sisters, he makes me a better one.
Such a handsome guy!!! So grown up!! Love that kid!!