Sunday, January 27, 2019

I disappeared into my bean bag chair!

Whew! That was quite the radio silence run! It feels like I've been busy, but not necessarily with blog-worthy things. Also there was this whole drama at work that ended with me sobbing in a parking lot about a bunch of stuff that I don't need to air to the interwebs, and before you know it your silly review of a chair sits alone for way too long. So what have we been up to?

Some ducks visited our pond pool, reigniting my motivation to get the damn thing fixed for real

I bought a cool vintage light fixture to replace my not-cool vintage light fixture. Now I need to paint every damn wall in this house. But isn't it pretty?! The bulbs are Edison bulbs, but that doesn't really translate in the picture. 

As part of our commitment to our word of 2019 "Invest," C and I have committed to quasi-regular date nights. We had our first one at a fancy restaurant downtown. I took no pictures except of my meatloaf. It was one RIDICULOUSLY good. 

Eli got his boot off and got cleared to go back to wrestling. He's far more thrilled than he looks, and we're thrilled that he can start burning off that energy (and attitude) again.

C bought me the best pencils ever, in response to the above referenced drama at work. 

I took my new bag (and my girls) to see Mary Poppins Returns. The soundtrack's been on repeat ever since. 

It rained for eleventy million days and the natives got restless

And I went on a work trip and forgot to pack my grown-up pants. I've never been so grateful to have not packed my poop emoji socks. 

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