*Edited to add that I chose the guacamole.
I've spent the week at a conference for the chiefs from all the institutions. It's been really inspiring and informative and interesting, but I also keep getting the mental picture of a six year old trying to drive a huge truck (I'm the six year old, for clarity). One of the main reasons I agreed to take this on (temporarily, for now) is because my institution could really use a bit of a culture change. It's been enlightening to see how other institutions are run and perceived. Anyway, shop talk shop talk shop talk.
So that's been long days. The conference is in the city, which has solidified my commitment to reduce commuting at all costs. I've been driving there, conferencing ALL DAY, then driving home to check my work e-mail and catch up with all that is coming in from the new job, and also trying to remotely manage my own program. It's also finals week and I have a new class starting next week that I should be prepping for. AND it's the first week of school! OMG. I just realized that I completely forgot to blog that! The kids are doing great and their teachers are amazing. C is convinced that Eli's teacher is going to be a game changer, and I think he might be right. The first night of homework was assigned with a time limit. Today he came home with no homework. This is a big change for his program and if it continues is going to make my life SO MUCH easier. Eli won't stop talking about him and is totally energized. Syd's teacher is very sweet and Syd is excited about school. She seems excited that none of her friends are in her class, which I'm going to interpret as being about making new friends. And Averson starts preschool next week. She's most looking forward to packing her Paw Patrol lunch bag.
FIRST. TAKE. Seriously. |
Birthday/First Day of School donuts! |
I'm generally pretty optimistic about my ability to handle lots of plates in the air all at once, especially when they're all good plates that I want to keep, but I'm thinking that this level of commitment isn't going to fly. I know what I need to wean out, but I'm not looking forward to it and I'm still hoping it will all work out without having to actually choose. It could happen, right?
It will totally happen. I am pretty sure now that I survived getting a PhD with small children, I can do everything in the world at once and be totally fine.