Unless you’ve been in the backwoods or under a rock, you’ve
seen the flooding of “Me too” messages all over social media. The idea is that
if every woman who’s ever been sexually harassed or assaulted posts “Me too”
that the magnitude of the issue will become obvious. I hesitated when I first
saw it, but after some introspection I added mine in as well. I saw all of
these women that I admire, respect, and love putting their “me too” out there
and I wanted to join my voice in solidarity. As more and more affirmations
flooded my feeds, what I (and most women) know became glaringly obvious. One of
my friends said it best when she said, “It’s not a matter of ‘if’. It’s really
just when and how many times.” That’s the thing. I don’t think that there is a
single woman out there, and probably not many girls, who have not been sexually
assaulted, harassed, or objectified. Not. A. Single. One.
After the initial flood of "me too"s came the editorials. Shouldn’t the men be posting “I
did”? Why are we again putting the onus
on the victims to change the culture? What is the purpose of posting “me too?”
Are we supporting each other or revictimizing each other? Are we actually expecting that someone out in
the inter-land actually didn’t realize this happens? All really good questions. I was talking to C, and I was explaining to him that the frustrating part
isn’t that so many women have experienced this (that's more enraging than frustrating), it’s that we all know it
happens and nobody seems to care. We live in a society where we would rather an
egotistical, racist, masochistic toddler hold the keys to the kingdom than
anyone with a vagina, a law degree, and years of qualifying experience. But I
It has become trite, a knee jerk post as tragedy after
tragedy after tragedy happens, but I do love the quote from Mr. Rogers about
finding the helpers. And I think maybe that’s the missing part of the triad. We know
there are victims and we know there are perpetrators. I think maybe what this movement needs
is to glorify the allies. The people who have stood beside us in our lives and
affirmed that we did not deserve the way we were treated. That we do not imply
consent by our gender. That we should be able to walk down the street without
comment, that we should be able to be in a man’s presence without the
expectation of sex, that we should be able to work without having to concern
ourselves about the most professional method of thwarting unwanted advances. Let's make it fucking awesome to stand up for each other.
So here it goes:
I was 15 when a regular at the restaurant where I worked
would corner me behind the counter, make lewd comments, and laugh at my discomfort. Then he’d ask
when we were ever going to go on our date. He did this almost every day,
waiting until his wife went to the restroom or out to the car. My boss was
always there and joked with the customer about “his girls.” I sheepishly told my high school teacher.
Without hesitating, he advised me to start documenting what was happening. He gave
me the words to use with my supervisor. And when my boss said, “He’s been
coming here longer than you’ve been working here” he gave me the legal words to
use. He validated my experience, empowered me to stand up for myself and
supported me through the process.
I was 18 and had just had to physically fight my way out of
an ex-boyfriend’s house because he said I needed to “just stay one more night.”
I stood, shaken and crying, under the fluorescent lights of the gas station
ashamed, scared, and embarrassed. An old friend from elementary school just
happened to drive up and when he asked, “How are you?” the words just came
flooding out. He didn’t try to be my knight in shining armor. He didn’t try to
make the moment about him or his own rage. He didn’t judge or belittle me. He
didn’t try to make it his “in.” He only
said, “I’m sorry and I’m glad you’re safe. Can I do anything for you?” That
meant the world to me in that moment. I drove into that gas station feeling
stupid for putting myself in that situation and
I left feeling angry but also like I had done what I needed to to
protected myself.
There was the random guy at the hotel I was working at who,
instead of egging his friend on, steered him away and said, “Man, leave her
alone. She’s not interested.” The woman on the street who walked next to me
when I was being followed by a stranger who thought I should smile for him. The
teenager on the train who called out the man who kept “accidentally” bumping
into me.There are probably at least fifty more times that I could come up with
where someone spoke out to say, “That’s not how we treat people.”
I didn’t NEED any of those people to stand up for me. In the
beginning, I had to learn that I shouldn’t expect to be treated first as an
object, then as a woman, and lastly as a person. Once I got there, I became
perfectly capable and willing to tell people off. What these helpers did though
is send a clear message that the actions they were seeing were not acceptable. They inspired me to do the same, to stop being complacent and offer help when it's needed. Because that’s what we need in this. We
need for people to see that it’s
happening, and say something.
Let’s take the shame out of it. We all know that this is not
a rare occurrence. “Me too” is obvious. It shouldn’t be up to us to wear the
badge of honor so that others can talk about how brave we are, or how terrible they
feel for us. It’s easy to see us as brave and to feel terrible from afar or
when the moment has passed. But let’s laud the people who are there with us and
speak up. Let’s celebrate the helpers. If you recognize yourself in any of my
stories, thank you. For every friend who reminded me “they wouldn’t say/do/be that with a man.” For every time my husband has reminded people that I’m perfectly capable of making decisions despite my pesky uterus. For every co-worker who has corrected someone who called me “Ms.” or “Mrs.” Instead of “Dr.” when I’m not around. For every time Megan Trainor or Katy Perry has my girls singing about their power. Thank you. Change comes when we stay loud. So let's keep saying, "Me too" but let's also say, "No more."
this is very powerful. thanks