Friday, June 24, 2022

Eli Magic

You will never convince me that this picture wasn't taken yesterday. 

And yet. Somehow it's been sixteen years. And while every year feels like a milestone, sixteen is definitely a big one. This kid. This crazy, brilliant, creative spirit who came into the world and created our little family. He has the most interesting thoughts and ideas, and he can charm anyone, anywhere. He gets away with things that no one should and no one knows how he does it (including him). We used to think it was cute kid magic, but then he grew up and he can still do it. So now it's just Eli magic. Everyone loves him, even when they don't really want to. 

I am so grateful that I get to be a part of his life and to witness whatever greatness he continues to create. I thought I would be sad because he is most definitely not a baby anymore, but I am just so thrilled that he gets to be more and more his own person. And I'm so excited for all the people in the world who get to know him. I hope they know how lucky they are. 


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