I drank coffee and Baileys at 8:00 (oops!) so this may be a bit tangential. Firstly, we had a Christmas miracle when not a single person woke up with norovirus! We cut it close yesterday, and tomorrow's iffy, but it was a vomit free holiday. Thank God.
The kids let us sleep until 7:30
Stockings were a huge hit. I probably could've just stopped there. The girls got many lip glosses and Eli got a WWE poster that he couldn't figure out because he's never seen a poster before?

We had our tree in the playroom this year which was nice for space and curb appeal, but a little weird. Also, Syd was disappointed to have neither a nightgown or footies.
The kids bought us all gifts. Syd's to me was a holiday mug and Eli's was a phone case that hooks to your bike handles. Sweet boy...
So. Much. Wrestling.
The girls got the Calico Critter starter kit and I couldn't be more excited. If they also get American Girl Dolls I can totally fulfill all my childhood wish lists.
Avery's big gift was a scooter that she refused to ride outside, preferring to drag it down the street. I had to bribe her to pose.
C got a knife sharpening kit and has been psychotic ally gleeful about sharpening all the things all day.
Syd's new Kindle. And so another one bites the dust...
I bought the kids Beanboozled thinking it'd be a fun game for the family to play. Then I got a dog food jelly bean and quit.
We finished the day with a movie fest and grown up coloring books. Merry Christmas!
Perfect. Christmas without vomit is a wonderful thing. Glad everybody is feeling better. They look so cute in their Christmas jammies. Love you all.